The Laboratory of Theory and Information Processing conducts interdisciplinary research on issues related to the collection, quantification, classification, and broad analysis of both classical and quantum information. The laboratory’s research interests cover theoretical aspects, the applicability of solutions, and the architecture of systems enabling the realization of some of these processes. Research fields include mathematics, computer science, physics, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, focusing on algorithmics, econophysics, econometrics, energy studies, and cognitive science, while remaining open to new research challenges.
The laboratory aims to integrate knowledge and expertise from various scientific disciplines, focusing not only on fundamental research but also on providing analyses and tools for non-academic entities. Additionally, the lab seeks to create and continually develop a research platform for exceptionally talented students, aiming to engage them actively in scientific endeavors.
Team members:
- Prof. Jarosław Krzywański, Ph.D. (Department of Advanced Computational Methods, JDU)
- Assoc. Prof. Zygmunt Bąk, Ph.D. (Institute of Physics, JDU)
- Assoc. Prof. Bożena Woźna-Szcześniak, Ph.D. (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, JDU)
- Assoc. Prof. Dominik Szczȩśniak, Ph.D. (Institute of Physics, JDU)
- Adam Kaczmarek, M.Eng. (Institute of Physics, JDU)
- Sandra Camm, M.A. (Institute of Linguistics, JDU)
Research Scope:
- Analysis and classification of time series and prediction of extreme events
- Artificial intelligence, including machine learning and artificial neural networks in scientific applications
- Design and characterization of quantum information processing systems
- Analysis of the architecture of designative and definitional paradigms in information encoding and decoding processes
Research Equipment:
- A computational cluster with 2.5 TFlops CPU, 24 TFlops GPU, 224 GB RAM, and 32 GB VRAM
- Synopsys QuantumATK quantum systems simulation software
- Purdue University
- Institute of Valuation and Market Analysis Analitico
- Częstochowa University of Technology
Sample Publications:
- "Entropy of financial time series due to the shock of war," Entropy 25 (2023) 823
- "Heat and mass transfer prediction in fluidized beds of cooling and desalination systems by AI approach," Applied Thermal Engineering 225 (2023) 120200
- "Semantic-syntactic constructions with the verb 'to feel.' Remarks on construction grammar and cognitivism," Language and Culture 29 (2022) 45-58
- "Gaseous emissions from advanced CLC and oxyfuel fluidized bed combustion of coal and biomass in a complex geometry facility: A comprehensive model," Energy 251 (2022) 123896
- "Implementation of deep learning methods in prediction of adsorption processes," Advances in Engineering Software 173 (2022) 103190
- "Magnetic flux noise in superconducting qubits and the gap states continuum," Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 1813
Research Projects:
- "Methods for analyzing time series using entropic algorithms," R&D activities for IWAR Analitico, FEMP.01.02-IP.01-0082/24-00, 2024-2025
- "Research on intensification methods in sorption processes in modified adsorptive bed designs," NCN OPUS 15, 2018/29/B/ST8/00442, 2019-2024
- "Flux noise in superconducting qubits at the superconducting tunnel junctions: the role of metal-induced gap states," NAWA BEKKER, PPN/BEK/2018/1/00433/U/00001, 2019-2020
Head of the Laboratory: dr Dominik Szczęśniak, prof. UJD
Telefon: +48 34 361 49 19 (18) wew. 242