Interdisciplinary Centre for Accessibility and Universal Design

Interdisciplinary Centre for Accessibility and Universal Design

Accessibility is related to the concept of design for all (universal design), which is defined as "direct access" to the built environment, services and information. This includes designing objects and facilities that are accessible to all people, regardless of whether they are able-bodied or disabled. Universal design is the basis of a new paradigm that recognizes social diversity and is an alternative to the common approach so far focusing only on the protection of a specific (excluded or at risk of exclusion) group. It puts an equal sign between the needs, goals and aspirations of people with disabilities and many other groups that may potentially find themselves in a disadvantaged situation and currently constitute the dominant group of people "without" limitations. Universal design offers a philosophy and strategy that supports the realization of full citizenship, independent living, and integration. It is based on perceiving society as a heterogeneous entity whose needs should be met to the fullest extent possible using the simplest possible solutions. It is their simplicity that guarantees flexibility and thus universality of application. Therefore, accessibility, and above all universal design, is based on the human-centric idea, where the functionality and usability of new solutions have in the center of attention the needs of man, in terms of his mobility and perception, taking into account both aspects of ergonomics and aesthetics. The implementation of these goals is possible by raising the competences of designers and implementers of universally available services. For this reason, preparing a staff of experts in the field of practical application of the principles of universal design is currently perceived as one of the basic challenges of sustainable development.

The condition for the effective implementation of the idea of universal design in social awareness is the systematic continuation of education. This is about education that is implemented on many levels, interdisciplinary, using all possible means, taking into account the importance of social support and resilience towards people with disabilities.

The establishment of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Accessibility and Universal Design is a continuation of the sustainability of the project implemented in 2020-2023, and at the same time an opportunity to maintain existing and establish new contacts with entities in Poland and abroad for whom the idea of accessibility and universal design is important.

Scope: Research exploration, among others in the pedagogical, legal, medical, speech therapy, neurological, psychological, social, sociological, welfare areas, as well as support in the field of digitalization, communication and elimination of architectural barriers.

Tasks of the Centre:

  • conducting research and implementation activities and advisory services supporting external entities from the public and private sectors in the field of broadly understood communication, digital and architectural accessibility;
  • creating research teams to undertake specific scientific tasks;
  • conducting training activities in the field of accessibility and universal design and the needs of people with special needs, including people with disabilities;
  • raising the competences of the University staff in the field of accessibility and universal design;
  • undertaking initiatives, in cooperation with the socio-economic environment of the University, aimed at popularising the principles of universal design and accessibility;
  • organising education in the form of lectures, trainings, workshops, postgraduate studies, seminars, conferences in cooperation with experts and other Universities in the field of universal design, accessibility and the needs of people with special needs, including people with disabilities;
  • cooperating with research centres and other educational, social, economic and cultural organisations and institutions from Poland and abroad pursuing related goals;
  • cooperating with Departments operating at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa;
  • developing scientific projects and submitting them to parent and external financing institutions;
  • cooperating with the relevant organisational units of the University in creating its image and promotion as a leader in implementing universal design and accessibility standards;
  • archiving documentation from the area covered by the unit's scope of activity.

Members of ICDiP:

Izabela Wrona-Meryk

Doctor of Social Sciences in the field of pedagogy, specialization - history of pedagogy, upbringing and education; special education teacher, specialist in accessibility and universal design, everyday activities; scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, then the National Science Centre; expert of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) including FERS, expert of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), expert of the European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 program; head of the postgraduate studies "Tyflopedagogy with Braille dot script" for special education teachers and "Tyflopedagogy" for candidates with pedagogical preparation; member of the Center for Research and Assistance to Persons with Speech Disorders (CBiPOzZM); certified teacher of logorhythmics.

Fields of research interests: history of upbringing and education in the years 1914-1989; accessibility and universal design; pedagogy, special pedagogy (typhlopedagogy).

Research and interests revolve around the topics of the history of education and upbringing in the years 1914-1989, accessibility, universal design and special pedagogy (in particular typhlopedagogy). These interests are reflected in scientific, didactic and organizational activities. Member of the Częstochowa Scientific Society and the nationwide Society for the History of Education. He implements scientific projects (individual - in the years 2010-2017 "Young Scientist"; Key Unit Project 2018-2019, on "Polish Education in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Century" - team member) and didactic projects, concerning, among others, universal design (project manager entitled "Universal Design as a Space of Equal Opportunities and Accessibility for People with Disabilities", 3.5 Comprehensive Higher Education Programs, Axis III Higher Education for Economy and Development, Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020). Contractor of the project "Vocational education in Częstochowa in the years 1945-1989", "Competition 40" MNiSW/NCN). Organizer and co-organizer of Scientific-Educational Conferences and Scientific-Educational Seminars - open, devoted to social issues (including depression, parental alienation). Actively participates in international symposia, conferences and seminars devoted to, among others, accessibility, universal design, disability and the history of upbringing and education. Together with students of the Faculty of Social Sciences - Social Work and Pedagogy, he co-creates tactile graphics for the blind. Cooperates with the Polish Association of the Blind (Silesian District Chorzów and PZN Delegation - Częstochowa) and with the Częstochowa Foundation Na Rzecz, co-organizing the "Campaign for a Serene Childhood", including: "Festival of 1 Film".

Aleksandra Siedlaczek-Szwed

Doctor of Social Sciences; pedagogue, speech therapist, neuro-speech therapist, NAWA expert, NCBR expert including FERS, expert of the European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 program, head of the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders, head of the UJD postgraduate studies Oligophrenopedagogy - education, revalidation and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities, head of the UJD postgraduate studies - Supporting the development and education of children and youth with autism, including Asperger syndrome and multiple disabilities.

Fields of scientific and research interests: pedagogy, speech therapy, neuro-speech therapy.

Research tasks focus on the area of care-educational and social pedagogy, preschool and early school pedagogy, speech therapy, neuro-neurological therapy. One of the factors determining the contemporary development of social sciences is the process of integrating domestic scientific research with the achievements of European and world researchers. Organizations, societies and institutions from different countries establish contacts in the field of prevention, diagnosis, therapy. Following the idea of integration with European and world education, it is necessary to take into account the standards and patterns of other countries. The integration processes taking place in the world are combined with the processes of internationalization and unification of scientific terminology, as well as with organizing and introducing terminological order in order to overcome language barriers, establish contacts and exchange scientific experiences. In the years 2019-2021, she implemented a project organized by the Polish Academy in Częstochowa entitled "Polonia Academy of Young Explorer", co-financed by the EU under the Knowledge Education Program for students of Częstochowa general secondary schools - contractor. It cooperates for the benefit of the community with the Janusz Korczak Special School Complex in Częstochowa, with the Association "For Disabled People with Autism and Related Disorders Give Me Time", the Association for Assistance to People with Autism, the Foundation for the Relief and with the YAVA Association in Częstochowa (people with disabilities, including mental disorders, dementia syndromes and Alzheimer's disease).

Monika Adamska-Staroń

PhD in social sciences in the field of pedagogy, specialist in universal design.

Fields of scientific and research interests: cultural conditions of education; education in the era of popular culture/educational contexts of selected phenomena of popular culture (including rock music, film, photography); metaphor in education; pedagogy of creativity; self-shaping of man; universal design.

Scientific and research interests focus on the following issues: cultural contexts of education, educational contexts of selected phenomena of popular culture (rock music, film, photography), pedagogy of creativity, self-shaping, universal design. These interests are reflected in scientific, didactic and organizational activities. Participation in the international project Reflective Education in Higher School (2018-2019) - international, team project, implemented in cooperation between Rivne State University of Humanities, Department of International Relations and the University of Humanities and Natural Sciences (Institute of Pedagogy), member of the Team. Participation in 17 scientific projects financed from the statutory funds of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Częstochowa, including: Spaces of (self-)education of adults (2018-2019) – team project, member/investigator; Basics of education - tradition and modernity (2017) - team project, member/investigator. Participation in the project entitled Universal Design - a space of equal opportunities and accessibility for people with disabilities (no. POWR.03.05.00-IP.08-00-PUN/19). Function performed: Head of Universal Design at the Faculty of Social Sciences - completed. Participation in the project Integrated Development Program of the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. Project financed as part of the competition entitled "Integrated University Programs - path I" no. POWR.03.05.00-IP.08-00-PZ1/17, implemented from October 2018 to September 2021. Function performed: contractor - completed. Membership in international or national scientific organizations and societies: Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Section of Popular Culture, member (2020-2024); Polish Pedagogical Society, 2004-present, member; Polish Institute of Mediation and Social Integration based in Częstochowa (2011-2016), member.

Ewelina Żelasko-Makowska

Doctor of laws, university professor, specialist in universal design.

Scientific and research interests: local government law, including control and supervision over local government, changes in the boundaries of local government units; administrative personal law; education law; administrative procedure; universal design.

Specialist in local government law, administrative personal law and administrative procedure. She is the scientific editor of several multi-author monographs, author of part of the commentary to the Code of Administrative Procedure and several dozen scientific articles and chapters in monographs. She has co-organized many scientific conferences. She is interested in issues of equality and non-discrimination. She has completed many training courses in universal design. She has completed the course "Basics of Polish Sign Language". She teaches classes covering issues of women's status in Polish law. She was the local coordinator of the project co-financed by the EU under the European Social Fund entitled "LifeLong Learning - education throughout life" (Jan Długosz Academy in Częstochowa, 2010). She gave lectures for participants of the University of the Third Age.

Monika Bartnik

Doctor of laws, specialist in universal design.

Research interests: evidence in criminal proceedings; coercive measures in criminal proceedings; child protection in criminal proceedings; child as the subject and object of a crime; police law; medical law; family and care law; universal design.

Research interests focus on the issues of evidence and coercive measures in criminal proceedings, police law, medical law, as well as family and care law. Of particular scientific interest are the issues of family and child protection in various branches of law, including children with disabilities, who for various reasons must "face" the justice system (most often by giving testimony as a witness or injured party in criminal proceedings or as a witness in family and care proceedings). In addition, in the last 2 years I was a subcontractor in a project implemented by the WNS UJD and conducted classes in universal design for students of the Faculty of Law and Economics of the UJD (previously I had completed a number of training courses that allowed me to acquire competences in this area). In an effort to better understand how people with disabilities function, I participated in a Polish sign language course led by Dr. Anna Irasiak during the 2022/2023 academic year. I plan to continue learning Polish sign language on my own in the near future.

Anna Warzocha

Doctor of humanities in the field of literary studies, doctorate with distinction for a doctoral dissertation on the topic: Ways of reading by younger children. Education for reading; master of pedagogy: specialization: primary education; graduate of postgraduate studies in the field of: Computer Science for Teachers and Preschool Education; graduate of a qualification course in education management, a course in the field of using ICT tools in teaching various subjects and in the field of coaching, a course for School Organizers of Educational Development (SORE).

Fields of scientific and research interests: literary education in early school education; reading and media education of younger students; changes in preschool and school education in the context of current cultural and civilizational trends; changes in the education of students of Preschool and Early School Pedagogy in the perspective of the latest anthropological, sociological and cultural findings.

Research interests focus on areas and issues related to literature addressed to children and its practice, the organization of the literary communication process of younger students in the cultural and civilizational context. Education for reading means, from this perspective, efforts to develop reading interests as an element focused on developing students' critical thinking and readiness to take an open, reasonable attitude towards people and the world. It requires concentration on building a personality sensitive to language and is the basis for developing reading competences based on the assumptions of philosophical anthropology (Chantal Delsol), sociology (Margaret Archer) and aesthetic reflections. Professional experience: long-time methodological advisor of early school education and a teacher in primary school and kindergarten, Regional Coordinator of the Ethics Not Only for Kids Project in the Silesian Voivodeship, expert in the Support for 5 project at the Częstochowa City Office, School Coordinator of Education Development as part of the Support for Schools and Institutions project in Częstochowa, External Stakeholder of the Academy. Jana Długosza in Częstochowa, author of a number of advanced courses, training for pedagogical councils and methodological workshops for teachers, speaker as part of the nationwide project Filmoteka Szkolna, Horizons of Film Education at the Film Culture Centre in Częstochowa, author of pedagogical innovations for early school education students: With a computer around the world and Education for reading in early school education.

Agnieszka Kozerska

Doctor of humanities, discipline: pedagogy, specialist in universal design.

Research interests: learning in late adulthood; quality of life of older people; theories of adult learning; intergenerational learning; meaning in life in late adulthood; universal design.

Dr. Agnieszka Kozerska's research interests focus on the quality of life of older people. Her scientific achievements to date include about 60 publications: articles in scientific journals and chapters in monographs. The author's research interests include changes that have taken place over the last few decades in the understanding of the concept of education of older people and the so-called "positive/successful ageing". She examines these changes against the background of changes in social sciences such as psychology, sociology, and gerontology. In her empirical research, Dr. Agnieszka Kozerska also analyzes "subjective definitions" of the above-mentioned concepts, formulated for their own use by older people. Learning these definitions is important because it can help create a theory of learning in older people. It can also contribute to developing ways of preventing social exclusion of older people, supporting them in their work on their own development. The research conducted by the author so far was aimed at studying intergenerational differences in the understanding of the concept of successful ageing and creating an empirical typology of the concept of successful ageing. The subject of interest was also the relationship between the quality of aging and such factors as: participation in educational institutions for seniors, participation in religious organizations, participation in family life (including: grandparents' involvement in raising grandchildren). The author also examined the determinants of life satisfaction in seniors living in social networks composed of a very small number of people. Over the past few years, she has conducted research on the creation of theoretical models of the activity of older people and research on the development of older people in the area of spirituality (research conducted from the perspective of Lars Tornstam's gerotranscendence theory), as well as research on the importance of a sense of meaning in life in late adulthood.

Author of 8 entries for the EPALE glossary (2018) in the Polish language version (in cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of the Education System based in Warsaw and the Academic Andragogical Society). The entries concern the area of adult education, available on the electronic platform for adult learning in Europe - EPALE. EPALE is the main representative of the European Union in the field of adult education in Poland, an international platform financed from the budget of the ERASMUS PLUS program. In 2020, the printed version of the Glossary was published.

Beata Łukasik

Doctor of hmanities in the field of pedagogy, certified cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, specialist in universal design.

Directions of scientific and research interests: reflection in the teaching profession and the process of becoming an educational subject; developing creative thinking of children and youth; knowledge and skills in professions related to providing social support; psychological and pedagogical assistance provided to children and youth; methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of mental disorders; universal design.

B. Łukasik's scientific and research interests focus on reflective education, teacher professionalism, ways of developing creative (convergent) thinking of pupils/students, as well as providing psychological help to people in a borderline situation. B. Łukasik is particularly interested in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy as a type of psychological help and a method of treating mental disorders, emotional difficulties and problematic behaviors. In the cognitive-behavioral approach, the causes of problems that an individual struggles with are seen in faulty, learned beliefs, cognitive patterns and behaviors that are shaped in situations of negative life experiences.

Wioletta Sołtysiak

Doctor of economics in the discipline of management and quality science, specialist in universal design.

Directions of scientific and research interests: digitalization. Questions about the role of computerization, mobile devices and the Internet in the education of children and adults; universal design for developing new competences of the future at the university. Knowledge, skills and competences in the field of digital accessibility, necessary for future professional work, for self-development; developing skills to ensure the digital accessibility of websites and computer applications, for public and non-public entities; the impact of educational methods and forms on the effectiveness of teaching - learning; education for entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors among the academic community.

Universal design specialist. She has participated in many training courses, including: the Regional Development Institute Foundation Training entitled Increasing the accessibility of universities for people with disabilities; the Polish Foundation Without Barriers training entitled Universal Design; the training entitled Accessible University. Program for supporting organizational changes and improving the competences of staff in the field of disability at UJD. In addition, she actively participated and was involved in the organization of several conferences on excluded people, children's issues. For several years she conducted classes for seniors from the University of the Third Age. She has scientific studies to her credit that demonstrate her sensitivity to the needs of other members of the community: the elderly, children. She reviewed the Polish version of the EduSenior project publication and evaluation tools for educational institutions - Increasing the impact of education on the quality of life of seniors. She actively participated in the preparation of a new field of study. Head of Universal Design at the Faculty of Law and Economics and conducting classes implemented in the project.

Przemysław Siemion

PhD in food and nutrition technology, msc in chemistry, bsc in computer science, Specialist in universal design.

Research interests: food technology; food chemistry; human nutrition; universal design.

Scientific research focused on chemical modifications of polysaccharides. Doctoral thesis devoted to the study of the reaction of starch with amides and hydrazides of carbonic acid (urea, biuret, semicarbazide, guanidine) and thiocarbonic acid (thiourea, thiosemicarbazide) with the aim of obtaining new starch derivatives with amine and amide groups that can be converted into cationic starches and checking whether such reactions can be carried out waste-free in the solid phase by using the microwave field as an energy source. The success of these reactions was to draw attention to the microwave field as a convenient source of energy that transforms polysaccharides in a physical, physicochemical and chemical way in short-term and selective processes. In 2012-2015, contractor of the project: "Modification and functionalization of biopolymer raw materials from grain processing and milling for the development of new generation biomaterials". Team member, project manager at the Faculty of Exact, Natural and Technical Sciences entitled "Universal design as a space of equal opportunities and accessibility for people with disabilities" no. POWR.03.05.00-IP.08-00-PUN/19 in 2020-2023.

Monika Gębara

Master of Science, engineer of computer physics, optometrist, completed "Specialist Postgraduate Studies in Optometry", "Information Technology and Human Capital as the Potential of a Modern Enterprise" and in 2008 the Inter-Faculty Study of Teacher Training and Improvement at the Częstochowa University of Technology.

Fields of interest: computer physics; optometry; design consulting; internal audit; accessibility.

Her main interests focus on the areas of optometry and refraction. As part of her work as an optometrist, she selects spectacle correction and contact lenses, assesses the anterior segment of the eye, using devices such as an autorefractometer, phoropter, slit lamp, tonometer and fundus camera. In 2019-2020, she taught optics at the Private Post-Secondary Optical School in Częstochowa. As part of her work at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, she provides consultations and advice on the preparation and implementation of projects financed by the European Union. She is responsible for contact with intermediary institutions and those managing EU funds. She cooperates with the Little and Big Man Foundation "Kolorowa" in Częstochowa. She conducts workshops on experiments in physics.

Karolina Wrona

Master of history, social studies, bachelor of preschool and early school education, special education teacher, postgraduate studies in early childhood support and early intervention, including children with autism Spectrum disorder, family assistance, and education and therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and other multiple disabilities, typhlopedagog, accessibility specialist.

Areas of interest: therapy (therapies supporting the development of a small child and improving its functioning such as: play pedagogy, the Good Start method, art therapy and other supporting therapies); typhlopedagogy; accessibility; supporting families of children with developmental dysfunctions; mindfulness training; active listening methods; relaxation methods and techniques. Project manager for the equalization of educational opportunities for students with visual disabilities entitled: "Education without barriers"; Project manager - after-school activities, ways of actively spending free time by blind and visually impaired children and youth. Participant of numerous courses and trainings organized, among others, by the Academy of Special Pedagogy in Warsaw. Children's play animator course; "Paul Dennison's Brain Gymnastics" course - level I and II; "Functional Vision Diagnosis" course; training in methods, forms of work and techniques with children with ASD, ADHD, MPD, APD - training Famiga, Misja Ciocia, SOD, Fundacja Pomoc Autyzm; Intern, then employed as a teacher in the years 2013-2018 (compensatory, remedial classes for children and youth with visual and multiple disabilities, art and technical classes, games and entertainment, preschool classes) at the Educational and Remedial Center for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth of the Polish Association of the Blind, Branch Office in Częstochowa. From September 2019 to the present, a teacher co-organizing the educational process, a therapist for children with autism, with multiple disabilities at the Private Kindergarten "Czerwony Kapturek" in Częstochowa. In the academic year 2021-2022, she taught classes at the postgraduate studies Oligophrenopedagogy - education, revalidation and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities - Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Częstochowa.

Martyna Aleksandra Szwed

Student of the Faculty of Medicine

Research interests: Research interests focus on medical and social sciences, with particular emphasis on the topic of initiating interdisciplinary medical care and scientific cooperation open innovation. Member of the Student Surgical Scientific Club of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Medical University in Warsaw. Member of the Interdisciplinary Center Accessibility and Universal Design at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. Participant of the project "Polonia Academy of the Young Explorer" extended education program (POWR.03.01.00-00-U092/17), at the Polonia Academy in Częstochowa. She participated in the International Workshop on Elementary Particles CERN - (Certificate International Masterclasses Hands on Particle Physics), organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He participates in scientific conferences, including: European Congress of Radiology – ECR, Vienna / Austria 2024; 2nd International Positive Schools and Well-Being Congress (POSWEB), North Cyprus 2024; XXIII International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Training Conference named after Dr n. med. Janina Fetlińska: "A child with health problems in kindergarten and school. Pedagogical, psychological, medical perspective", Ciechanów 2023; Scientific Conference "Education in the process of social change. Values in a risk society", Łódź 2023; Conference "Maria Skłodowska-Curie's Birthday organized by the Student Onco-Forum: National Institute of Oncology im. Maria Skłodowska-Curie", Warsaw 2023; He participates in training courses, among others, on digital accessibility organized by the Ministry of Digitization, the Center for the Development of Digital Competences in Warsaw.

Foreign experts:

prof. Tomas Jablonsky (SK)

dr Olga Okalova (SK)

prof. Alena Juvova (CZ)

prof. Jana Raclavska (CZ)

prof. Margarita Terzieva (BG)

dr Gergana Avramova-Todorova (BG)

prof. Larysa Novak-Kalyayeva (UKR)

prof. Galina Radczuk (UKR)

prof. Lesja Galamandjuk (UKR)

LABORATORY HEAD: Dr Izabela Wrona-Meryk


Tel: +48 34 378-43-25