About the Centre

The Interdisciplinary Science and Research Centre began its activities on June 1, 2021, in accordance with Internal Order No. R021.1.46.2021 of the Rector of the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa dated May 6, 2021.

The Interdisciplinary Science and Research Centre is an university unit which aims to actively engage in the use of intellectual and scientific potential and research infrastructure for the development of scientific research, especially of an interdisciplinary nature, performed at JDU and to coordinate activities related to the optimal use of the University's research infrastructure. More than a dozen auxiliary units have so far been formed within the structure of the Interdisciplinary Science and Research Centre, with research focused on various thematic areas. They are: Human Movement Analysis Centre, Centre for Innovation and Research of Healthy-Promoting Food (InnoFood), Laboratory of Environmental Research and New Materials, Laboratory of Advances in New Drug Formulations, Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Environment Protection and Health, Laboratory of Materials Modeling and Analysis of Optical Processes, Adsorption Technology Research Laboratory, The Laboratory of Theory and Information Processing, Educational Transactional Analysis Centre, The Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Deradicalization, Speech Disorders Research and Support Centre, Centre for Family Research, Interdisciplinary Centre for Accessibility and Universal Design

The Interdisciplinary Science and Research Centre, owing to its close cooperation with the JDU Centre for Knowledge and Innovation Transfer in the Area of Science and the Arts, actively participates in scientific and business event, promoting the scientific achievements of JDU and establishing cooperation with the economic sector not only in the Czestochowa region. Regular contact with media representatives, ‘Quick Dates with Scientists’, active participation in business meetings entitled ‘Are you looking for your business partner?’ or ‘Business mixer’ organised by the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Czestochowa, allow promotion and increase of the transparency of research conducted at JDU and help in the search for subjects that are interested in applying technologies developed at JDU.

We invite you to cooperate with us!

Dr hab. Piotr Rychter, Prof. UJD - Director of Interdisciplinary Science and Research Centre

e-mail: icnb@ujd.edu.pl


Zarządzenie wewnętrzne w sprawie utworzenia Interdyscyplinarnego Centrum Naukowo-Badawczego

Uchwała senatu w sprawie przyjęcia Regulaminu Interdyscyplinarnego Centrum Naukowo-Badawczego

Zarządzenie wewnętrzne w sprawie korzystania z infrastruktury badawczej Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza w Częstochowie przez pracowników, studentów i doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza w Częstochowie

Zarządzenie wewnętrzne w sprawie określenia wysokości opłat za komercyjne korzystanie z infrastruktury badawczej i informatycznej Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza w Częstochowie