Centre for Innovation and Research of Healthy-Promoting Food (InnoFood)

Functional Foods Laboratory

The Functional Food Laboratory focuses on the development, characterization, and implementation of new food products with health-promoting properties. The scientific interests of the team include the production and characterization of new dietary fiber-based preparations and the development of new fiber-enriched food products. The current research topic involves the creation of innovative vegan instant products using alternative emulsifiers, such as plant proteins, and fiber preparations from starch with prebiotic effect.

The laboratory conducts the following tests and analyses:

  • water and dry matter content
  • solubility in water at different temperatures
  • dextrose equivalent (DE)
  • total dietary fiber content, including soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as high-molecular and low-molecular fractions of soluble fiber (official AOAC methods 991.43, AOAC 2009.01, AOAC 2011.25, AOAC 2017.16)
  • resistant starch content (official AOAC method 2002.02)
  • β-glucan content (official AOAC method 995.16)
  • total starch content (official AOAC method 996.11)
  • citric acid content by enzymatic method
  • ethanol content by enzymatic method
  • kinematic and relative viscosity measurements using the ViscoClock plus device
  • pasting properties testing with a rotational viscometer RVA 4500
  • color parameters/differences in color measurements using a CM-5 spectrophotometer
  • retrogradation tendency measurements by turbidimetric method
  • analysis of the composition, purity and quality of various substances using a refractometer
  • carrying out reactions by using a microwave reactor (controlled temperature, power, and pressure conditions)
  • sensory analysis with a trained panel of experts
  • design of new functional products

Laboratory Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Kamila Kapusniak, PhD, k.kapusniak@ujd.edu.pl

Laboratory Equipment and Devices:

  • Laboratory autoclave
  • Binder BD115 laboratory incubator
  • UNIWERSAL PLATE READER ELX800 plate reader
  • POLNA DE 10 water distiller
  • IKA T25 homogenizer
  • 2110 fraction collector with a dual-channel pump
  • SafeFast Top 215-S laminar chamber
  • Thermal Research Chamber with gravity air circulation
  • LyoQuest -55 freeze dryer
  • SW22 shaking water bath
  • Microwave synthesizer Discover SP
  • RCMZ-1000N electric grinder
  • Sonic-3S2 ultrasonic cleaner
  • HDX-25 GudePol compressed air dryer (390 l/min)
  • Muffle furnace
  • POL-X polarimeter by Optika Microscopes
  • CRVpro 6 oil vacuum pump
  • Membrane vacuum pumps
  • RX-5000i digital laboratory refractometer
  • 3Color SFX50 spectrophotometer
  • Helios Delta single-beam spectrophotometer
  • CM-5 benchtop spectrophotometer for color measurement
  • Vis Genesys 40 spectrophotometer
  • GudePol oil-free piston compressor (max. pressure 10 bar), equipped with a drying system and activated carbon air filters
  • SLN180 SMART laboratory dryer
  • SUP-65G universal laboratory dryer
  • RM 200 mortar grinder
  • UHP-01.00 semi-industrial dextrin production device produced by Mysak company
  • SI-Analytics Viscoclock M1 automatic viscosity measurement device
  • Laboratory balances: AS 220.R2 PLUS, WLC 1/A2, WLC 0.6/A1, WLC 10/A2
  • AGS50D moisture analyzer
  • MPW 380 laboratory centrifuge
  • MPW M-SCIENCE laboratory centrifuge
  • MPW-350 laboratory centrifuge (max. 9000 rpm)
  • Rapid Visco Analyzer RVA 4500 (rotational viscometer)
  • Buchi Rotavapor R-80 vacuum evaporator
  • BUCHI RIII vacuum evaporator with a membrane vacuum pump V-700 and vacuum controller V-850

Metabolomics Laboratory

The laboratory conducts advanced research on the metabolome – the full spectrum of metabolites present in body fluids – in order to identify biomarkers related to, among others, diet, presence of contaminants in food and health status. Metabolomic analyses allow to track metabolic changes of nutrients, chemical compounds, drugs and dietary supplements, which can support early diagnostics and preventive measures.

The scope of research includes metabolomic profiling of body fluids, allowing for comprehensive analysis of all metabolites present in the tested matrix. Additionally, these studies include classification and identification of unknown metabolites, their confirmation using existing libraries, such as NIST, and creation of structural formulas.

Laboratory equipment: High-performance liquid chromatograph coupled with a high-resolution mass spectrometer and time-of-flight analyzer (LC-MSQTOF).

Laboratory supervisor: Univ. Prof. Kamila Kapusniak, PhD, k.kapusniak@ujd.edu.pl

Biological Function of Food Laboratory

We study the modifications of the composition of the intestinal microbiota of overweight and obese children under the influence of fiber preparations from potato and corn starch.

We study the assessment of the microbiological purity of food, determine the effect of new nutrients on the growth and activity of the intestinal microbiota, determine the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of newly synthesized compounds.

The scope of research includes:

  • Microbiological analyses of products, considering microorganisms that determine food safety and are indicators of hygiene. We use appropriate normative research methods. We use classical techniques for analysis.
  • We assess the risk of bacterial growth during food storage. The research includes model introduction of microorganisms to the product, checking the possibility of their growth and the rate of development in the product.
  • Determination of the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of newly synthesized compounds.

Laboratory equipment:

  • SafeFAST Top laminar flow cabinet, 
  • Tuttnauer laboratory autoclave,
  • refrigerator,
  •  MPW-352R centrifuge,
  • Memmert water bath,
  • colony counter,
  • laboratory scale,
  • pH meter, vortex shakers, heating device, UV lamps, small microbiological equipment

Contact details:

Laboratory supervisor: dr hab. Renata Barczyńska-Felusiak, prof. UJD
E-mail: r.barczynska-felusiak@ujd.edu.pl
Tel.: 697717680

Pracownia Bezpieczeństwa Żywności tematyka badawcza: innowacyjne produkty żywnościowe do żywienia osób starszych, bezpieczeństwo produkcji cateringowej, żywienie osób starszych „Zero waste” w produkcji, cateringu i dystrybucji żywności, ograniczanie strat i marnotrawstwa żywności w produkcji gastronomicznej

Zakres badań usługowych:

  • opracowanie nowych produktów żywnościowych dla cateringu dietetycznego
  • opracowanie dokumentacji GHP/GMP i HACCP dla przedsiębiorstw żywnościowych
  • auditowanie stanu higieny w zakładach żywnościowych
  • ocena sensoryczna produktów żywnościowych
  • ekspertyzy i oceny na temat zagrożeń, ryzyka i bezpieczeństwa żywności

Laboratory of green technologies and functionalization of natural resources

Research scope:

  • Development and optimization of new methods for the sustainable functionalization of raw materials and the management of post-production waste.
  • Application of classical, mechanochemical and electromagnetic and ultrasonic wave methods
  • Structural identification and analysis of physicochemical properties using gravimetric, calorimetric, spectroscopic, polarimetric, chromatographic and microscopic methods.

Current research tasks:

  • Polymer materials for the production of biodegradable packaging
  • Compatibilizers and plasticizers for the processing of natural polymers
  • Ecological and biodegradable surfactants based on renewable raw materials
  • Biocatalyzed synthesis of hydrophobic derivatives of carbohydrate polymers
  • Second-generation biofuels based on selected agri-food waste

Science and R&D projects:

Financed by National Centre for Research and Development in Poland:

Project title: Bioproduct accelerating the decomposition of biodegradable polymer materials in compost.

Project leader: Dr. Katarzyna Janczak (Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute for Engineeringof Polymer Materials and Dyes in Torun)

Member of the research team from JDU: Dr. Arkadiusz Zarski

Project type: LIDER XII

Funding amount: PLN 1 500 000

Implementation period: 2022-2025

Financed by National Science Centre in Poland:

Project title: Designing of ecological biodegradable surfactants based on renewable raw materials

Project leader: Magdalena Rudlicka (Roczkowska), MSc

Project type: PRELUDIUM 14

Funding amount: PLN 120 380

Implementation period: 2018-2020

Project title: Designing of new polymer materials for the production of biodegradable packaging based on hydrophobic starch derivatives

Project leader: Arkadiusz Zarski, MSc

Project type: PRELUDIUM 11

Funding amount: PLN 97 320

Implementation period: 2017-2018

Laboratory equipment:

T25 IKA homogenizer, OPTEK LABOR BINO ACHRO optical microscope, DISCOVER SP microwave synthesizer, PolSonic-3 sonicator, Carbolite ELF 11/6 electric oven, POL-X Optika circular polarimeter, VWR single-beam spectrophotometer, MPW 380 laboratory centrifuge, RIII vacuum evaporator with V-850 BUCHI vacuum controller, Retsch RM 200 mortar grinder, FTIR ATR Nexus Nicolet spectrometer, freeze dryer, single-screw extruder, strength testing machine, conductometer, pH meter and multimeter.

Contact details:

Lab-sitter: dr. Arkadiusz Zarski

E-mail: arkadiusz.zarski@ujd.edu.pl

Tel.: 667 477 200

Kierownik laboratorium:  prof. dr hab. Janusz Kapuśniak

E-mail: j.kapusniak@ujd.edu.pl