Speech Disorders Research and Support Centre

Speech Disorders Research and Support Centre within the structure of the Innovative Science and Research Center of the Jagiellonian University in Częstochowa.

Scientific activities carried out within the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders (CBPOZM) allow for the use of the research potential of the research staff of the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. The employees of this Department have been accumulating experience in the field of speech therapy, neurological speech therapy, pedagogy and psychology for many years.
Scientific activities within CBPOZM also make it possible to fill a significant gap in research on speech therapy and pedagogical problems of people of different ages and their social conditions, and facilitate the interdisciplinary presentation of contemporary scientific achievements regarding various aspects of the functioning of people with speech therapy dysfunctions, especially from a regional perspective. Thus, they create an opportunity to exchange experiences with other academic centers, and for interregional and international cooperation.
In addition to strictly scientific assumptions, the Center for Research and Assistance for People with Speech Disorders conducts seminar, training, advisory and expert activities, which allows for achieving the highest possible utilitarian nature of activities, also in the social dimension. The research conclusions of the conducted exploration allow for drawing significant conclusions de lege ferenda and then implementing innovations aimed at improving the quality of the existing system of assistance to people with speech therapy problems in the field of social policy and improving their quality of life.
The idea of launching the Center for Research and Assistance for People with Speech Disorders is based on broadly understood assistance for people with speech therapy problems related to undeveloped perceptual skills, lack or insufficient development of implementation skills (with acquired competences) or the breakdown of linguistic and communication competences.
Most scientific research conducted among people with speech therapy problems focuses on pedagogical, psychological or medical aspects. Scientific activities conducted within the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders enable interdisciplinary presentation of specific speech therapy issues, including: health situation of target groups (in dogmatic and empirical terms), statistical and sociological background, analysis of research results in leading fields dealing with the subject of speech therapy care.
The planned activity is also based on dynamic cooperation with domestic and foreign spheres of diagnosis and therapy, as well as agencies performing public tasks in the subject area.

Tasks of the Center for Research and Assistance for People with Speech Disorders:

  • research exploration in the areas of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, speech therapy, neurologopedics and pedagogical, psychological, speech therapy, medical, social and social assistance;
  • creating research teams to undertake specific scientific tasks;
  • preparing scientific publications;
  • organizing education in the form of lectures, training, postgraduate studies, seminars, conferences in the scope not implemented by other organizational units of the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with experts and other universities;
  • organization of seminars and scientific conferences;
  • cooperation with research centers and other educational, social, economic and cultural organizations and institutions from Poland and abroad pursuing related goals;
  • cooperation with local entities pursuing goals similar to those of the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders;
  • advisory and expert activities in the field of assistance and support, including pro-family policy;
  • counseling (coordination of external speech therapy and specialist clinics);
  • cooperation with public entities compatible with the scope of research of the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders;
  • cooperation with the Departments operating at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa;
  • international cooperation with research centers and organizations implementing activities compatible with the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders;
  • ultimately, editing the publication "Linguistic communication. Varia", "Linguistic communication. Miscellanea” and others;
  • conducting information and promotional activities for initiatives undertaken by the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders at the Department of Pedagogy;
  • developing scientific projects and submitting them to the parent units of the Center for Research and Assistance to People with Speech Disorders and external financing institutions;
  • archiving documentation from the area covered by the unit's scope of operation.

CBPOZM staff:

1. Aleksandra Siedlaczek-Szwed, Assoc. Prof.,habilitated doctor in social sciences; educator, speech therapist, neurologist.

2. Izabela Wrona-Meryk, doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, specialty - history of pedagogy, upbringing and education.

3. Agata Woźniak-Krakowian, doctor of humanities in sociology.

4. Agata Jałowiecka-Frania, doctor of social sciences; speech therapist, neurologist, oligophrenopedagogist, surdopedagogist, typhlopedagogist, Polish philologist.

5. Małgorzata Przybysz-Zaremba, Assoc. Prof.,habilitated doctor in social sciences in the field of pedagogy, educator, oligophrenopedagog.

6. Beata Pawlica, doctor of humanities in sociology.

7. Elżbieta A. Maj, doctor of legal sciences in law.

8. Martyna A. Szwed,student of the Faculty of Medicine.

CBPOZM Foreign Experts:

Interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of diagnosis, therapy and prevention, scientific and expert consultations, partnership in projects, exchange of experiences, holistic presentation of contemporary achievements in the field of social functioning of people with speech disorders:

1. prof. Tomas Jablonsky (SK)

2. dr Olga Okalova (SK)

3. prof. Alena Juvova (CZ)

4. prof. Jana Raclavska (CZ)

5. prof. Margarita Terzieva(BG)

6. dr Gergana Avramova-Todorova(BG)

7. prof. Larysa Novak-Kalyayeva (UKR)

8. prof. Galina Radczuk (UKR)

9. prof. Lesja Galamandjuk (UKR)

Head of the Centre: dr hab. Aleksandra Siedlaczek-Szwed, prof. UJD

E-mail: a.siedlaczek-szwed@ujd.edu.pl